Pagan revelry and morris dancing in the middle of a very cold winter set the scene for one of Ngaio Marsh’s most fascinating murder mysteries.
When the pesky Anna Bünz arrives at Mardian to investigate the rare survival of folk-dancing still practised there, she quickly antagonizes the villagers. But Mrs Bünz is not the only source of friction – two of the other enthusiasts are also spoiling for a fight.
When the sword dancers’ traditional mock beheading of the Winter Solstice becomes horribly real, Superintendent Roderick Alleyn finds himself faced with a case of great complexity and of gruesome proportions…
Off with His Head is a detective novel by Ngaio Marsh; it is the nineteenth novel to feature Roderick Alleyn, and was first published in 1957. The plot concerns a village festival in the English countryside, and features Morris dancing among other folkloric elements. The novel was published as Death of a Fool in the United States, a reference to the fact that the murder victim is playing a Fool in the festival.
The novel is classed as a locked room mystery.
奈欧·马许(Ngaio Marsh,一八九五-一九八二)
奈欧·马许一共写了三十二本推理小说,主角皆为苏格兰警场警探洛德里克,第一本推理小说《A Man Lay Dead》写于一九三二年(一九三四年出版),开启了她的推理小说生涯,让她扬名世界,与塞耶斯、阿嘉莎以及阿林厄姆(Margery Allingham)并称一九三○年代的「谋杀之后」。尽管马许自称走上创作推理小说之路是无心插柳,也说过戏剧才是她的最爱,写推理小说只为糊口,然而无庸置疑的是绘画、戏剧以及写作在她的人生皆占有举足轻重的地位,三者之间也互蒙其利。在她的推理小说中即常出现关于绘画、画家、舞台以及演员的角色或场景。